Saturday 7 May 2022



  1. My wife and I are in amazement of your works. Is there anywhere where we can find your art for sale?

  2. Your pictures is a different view of tradicional feelings in the popular art, Konx Om Pax

  3. You have touched me deeply. You may never read this comment, which is really just a personal reverie. Your art took me into the dark hole of my mind, making me feel a deep dejavu about the dreams I often have. I dream that I am walking through dark and macabre places, and amazingly enough, I feel no fear. I feel at home.
    I wish I could meet you, even for a brief moment.

    Send me a message if you like (

    "Quod est superius est sicut quod inferius, et quod inferius est sicut quod est superius."
